At the end of October, researchers at Bankrate.com published some amazing results showing what they believe are the most progressive cities in the UK. I was slightly disappointed to read my local cathedral city of Canterbury was way down in 47th but apparently, that was up from last year by 2.
As you can imagine the art of measing a city’s performance and progressiveness is a truly difficult thing to do and they have taken into account a whole host of factors in order to try and attempt to build a true picture. The UK’s leading city is Bath in the south west.
So, what makes Bath so special? Bath ranked highest because it has a high voter turnout, excellent recycling rates, and lots of alternative restaurants such as vegetarian and vegan.
“Whether it’s a green-minded commitment to recycling, a strong voter turnout, or ensuring gender diversity in local government, these cities have not just realised their duty to encourage a socially-aware community, but they are enabling its continued progress,” said Nisha Vaidya of Bankrate UK, which conducted the research.

I believe what stands out to me in this whole research document is that green-minded commitment to recycling, voter turnout, gender diversity is important in these cities and that they have realised the importance of a socially-aware community.