There will be those that will disagree and many more that will support the statement that Senator John McCain was simply a man who believed in removing corruption in Washington DC and believed in bi-partisan political working relationships.
Over the past twenty years, I have taken note of John McCain, listen to his speeches and certainly enjoyed the banter he would have with whatever president of whatever party be it republican or democratic was in power. John was not always right, but he would argue his case as stubbornly as he could and would often bring over the opposition towards his idea to find a joint solution.
Many recently will remember John McCain’s thumb down in regard to appealing the health plan and rightly or wrongly people will have strong views on this. To me he was clearly a leader among leaders, he stood in front of others and immediately and quietly would command respect and often the room.
In the late 2000’s I was on a treadmill in a hotel gymnasium in Phoenix, Arizona and he came on the television in an interview. I listened intently as he argued why the Republicans and the Democrats should at times work together to achieve bi-partisan relationships to develop the USA into a powerful and wonderful political position. It was a dream he wanted and so nearly could have had, but for the Obama effect that was incredibly powerful too. He lost the election, but he entrusted his ideas and thoughts across a nation.
I can’t help feeling at his passing that America has lost a great one, a president that never was, and most importantly and I feel strongly about this single point he leaves an America that has lost its way politically and I know categorically he must have felt that way.

I am politically center/centre person with some views occasionally taking me right and others taking me left, it is not possible to be totally one way or another and if a person is I would argue that they are narrow-minded in thinking that way and brainwashed by either a left or right media. You should start a political journey in the middle and then your views will find ways both sides, you don’t have to be one or another sometimes you just have your own solid opinion.
I will miss Senator John McCain because he stood up for what he believed in, I may not have agreed with him on some things, but I held a huge respect for a man that achieved so much. I thank him through this article for all that he stood for and was, I wish his family the very best and hope for a positive good future. R.I.P. John McCain.