History has shown that breathing can say a lot of about a person’s health and the way his or her health is at the time. So it is no surprise to talk about detection and diagnostics using breath as a method.
Breath analysing technology or better known as Non-Invasive Breath Screening and Diagnostics is not limited to words close to miracles, but it is, in fact, an actual and beneficial improvement of the modern day medicine.
So What is the Technology?
The Non-Invasive Breath Screening and Diagnostics Device, to begin with, is evolutionary in its sense of health analysis and consideration and is a beautiful tool when it comes to both the medical clinicians and the patient. For the medical clinicians, to screen or diagnose a targeted disease swiftly and in a non-invasive manner is indeed the breakthrough that is sought for within healthcare, and to be able to do this in a short time frame. For the patient to be simply tested by breathing and not being exposed to needles and other medical procedures is both attractive and non-stressful.
The technique relies on super speed gas chromatography which can detect and separate the compounds present in the gas without disturbing the composition in any manner. The gas being analyzed is never decomposed and can be easily interpreted in the search for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s), these act as biomarkers for every disease and illness. Each disease has a set of unique biomarker chemical reactions within the body, these are exhaled in your breath and it is the identification of these biomarkers that makes all the difference.
What is quite extraordinary about this technology is the price, mobility and accessibility it offers to the medical clinicians around the world. Unlike a large unit or a setup which requires a spacious area, the configuration for this technology and device is minimal as it is a small portable device. It can be taken to any place and can be easily used by anyone to produce the results. The price is substantially lower than current technology and this enables greater opportunities.
Ancon Medical:
When it comes to the foundation of non-invasive breath screening and diagnosis perhaps no name surpasses or matches up to the standards set by Ancon Medical and how it has developed the benchmark for being the leading name in the development of this technology. One of the achieving results made by Ancon can be represented by the fact that the system is compact and easy for anyone to comprehend. This ensures that whatever the results are easy and swift to obtain (no matter how complicated processes within the device) and the user can easily understand the results yielded. This ease guarantees the medical clinician the reliability and assurance that nothing is complicated with the provided results.
Technically speaking, Ancon is offering the best sensitivity levels in the breath detection technology. It has managed to detect the presence of a single Ion in 10,000 cubic centimetres. Such a delicate sensitivity level push away any reasons for complications that may arise among the concerned medical. One of the most amazing features of this technology is the fact that the results can be produced in minutes.
Non-Invasive Breath Screening and Diagnosis will help in the detection early on of Cancers, Tuberculosis, COPD and other diseases. Potentially this technology will be used from clinics, pharmacy’s and even with home disease management by the patient themselves.
You can read more by click here: Ancon Medical